Alla inlägg den 17 maj 2015

Av jimmy smith - 17 maj 2015 04:43

Movie tells the stories.Some of the movies is not made up by the editors. They are based on the true stories. And the true stories make us know the truth. And sometimes it make us can not forget. 

Yesteday night I have watched one movie called The Imitation Game. The movie is talking about Alan Turing.There are no stories told about him in this article. What I want is tell you how do I feel about this man.

I do not understand why the homosexcual is a crime in the past. But people are changing the thoughts all the time. In the past it is nude for the woman to wear the trousers. The woman have to bind their feet in the eastern countries. But people are changing which we call it as civilized. The love is the special emotion of human. Turing's love start from his school. He name his machine as Christoper who used to be his best friend and the first one he ever love. Their love is pure. I used to have the bad thought about those gay people. But when you try to understand those things. I thin we should understand them. The love is not different from ours to theirs. They love each other, so let it be. Why would we have to judge their behaves. Their love is also as beautiful as ours. 

Finally Turing have given his life a end. He ate the apple with poison. The apple half eaten is left on the table. And this have become the signature of the world greatest tech company Apple's signature. They do not understand his love. And they have killled Turing using their own way. It is a shame for Turing also a shame for the whole society. Now the dead is gone, we have to prevent this happen again in our new world. 

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