Alla inlägg under april 2013

Av jimmy smith - 29 april 2013 06:29

Holiday seems have already come already.But indeed the weather and many other things make this holiday not good. I am worrying about the business for all the time. And I truly want to take a good rest but not always working. I am not a person who is good at arranging the time. So most of the time , the time is not enough for me. And for so called so many things make me feel mad and complex with many kinds of trouble around me. So many hard days for me. I can not find a way out of this trouble. And then my head turned blue and I want to take a rest in the bed. Always tired, I do not know what happened to my body. But I want to change this situation of my health. If it is not changing I can imagine the day I get sick. So time to be healthy .And time to change the situation I am having in this moment.

Turn the light off. The night is so quiet .While looking at the dark blue sky you can not see the stars. I hate this kind weather which there is no wind. Even when you yelling no people would give a response. Such one dead city make you feel boring. I want to find the passion of the old time. However seems it is really hard.

The holiday time make me feel boring. And do not know which way to go and which way to choose. So blind in this life.

Av jimmy smith - 28 april 2013 04:35

Imagine that there are two men standing in front of you. One person wearing one vintage 80's suit and one vintage hat on his head,You can smell the smell of smoke between his fingers .And the other side there is one person wearing one snapback on his head, The jeans and the vintage t-shirts and one pair of sunglasses on his noses. Which one would you choose ? Two totally different styles of look, and you have to make a choice. This is very hard because they are all just perfect.

After watching the play Mad Man you would see the most vintage designs for the suit and you feel the taste of mature men. And the other side you can see the new urban stars showing out the true fashion style which we love. And the world of fashion is just complex make you can not stick with one style. So we mix, mix the vintage and urban together. If you are good at creating mix and match you would find more fun in this fashion world. We also trying to create some new thing of the fashion .And usually we would enjoy this kind cool fashion which we love really much.And here we stand and enjoy the most vintage fashion we enjoying. For more and more vintage designs with the urban style. You would should enjoy it very much.

Style standing out our souls. My souls is from the dark side and the most vintage ones make me feel the most wonderful side we enjoy .And this is our vintage front gear with the trukfit snapback to make me look younger.This is my fashion style.

Av jimmy smith - 27 april 2013 04:37

World is mad and make me can not see the future. The young people all focus on the money and you can not make any sense for their so called new thoughts in fact they are just stuck in the world of money and girls. You own a nice car people would focus on you and you would feel that this kind life is just too naive and make people feel sick. But what else can we do. When people do not looking forward to get the so called high grade life. I want to live some kinds of pure life without any stress and what would I do ? I am one person who can not stand the people look down upon me and because of this I have to stand up and make myself live the life with the true life style which I want to own. And just because of this I am standing in front of this big city.Thousands miles away there is my hometown. But I can not get back just because I do not have enough money. And seeing the truth I have to work hard. 

I do not require too much in my life. And in this kind simple life I am trying to bring myself to another royal world which I want. Too far away and so home missing. This is the status I am now. But no choice and people would also have no mercy on you. This city is full of chances. We should grab every chance and live the royal life I want to own. And one mad world create one mad person. I do not dare to risk and I am trying to create myself one new world.This is me .

Like the simple designs from Trukfit clothing. I am trying to live some kinds of simple young life I like to own. And that is all that I want .And this is my life .And all that I want to win is just simple world but not always mad for all kinds of things.

Av jimmy smith - 26 april 2013 04:36

I watched the movie 500 days with summer. And sometime you would feel I am just this kind person who is sticked with something because I watched this movie again and again and found that the movie requiring you watch more than one times because each time while watching this movie you would have a new taste .First time I have found that is just one simple story that one gilr break up with one man who is just normal as me . However the second time I can smell the hate for Summer who have played with this young man. Just curious how bad did Jenny Beckman hurt this writer can make him write his name on the front page of the movie. I can feel it .He still love her and he can not forget and this love turn to the hate as time passed by. Any way living like that is one tragedy and I wish I can be some one not like him. However I also have some love played by some one. Though she do not know about it or maybe she have forgotten it. Any way I am still living in my single world. And I think one day I would get married and any way I am looking forward to get one new way of success and it is just one simple wish and then I would have my own space to have some love with some one. This is my life any way.

Looking at these rainy days I just feel like to take a deep breath and then turn back to my hard work again. And listening to the movie I like. This is my life life. I am walking on this way. 

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