Alla inlägg den 11 september 2013

Av jimmy smith - 11 september 2013 13:56

I hate saying about the love. Because these days the love filled in my head make me can not focus on the works. And each day I am trying to be nice to the people around me. But the Mr, good is not the one people love. Keep saying all kinds of good words to the people around you and you never know you have become the person can not say no to refuse. And this is the bad side of yours. Also because of this , you have to wake up and then make yourself know something about the love.

In fact in the love you can find something .It is about the theory in your side. Speak in some kinds of humor ways would attract more girls. And people do not like the people like the wood man. There is no fun to talk with this kind person. However when talking you should try to mix the culture around you and make it smooth.But you should keep trying and then you would know there would be some more ways to attract the people around and make you become welcomed. This is the life style and you have to understand this kind real life. And one day you would find it is amazing .

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