Alla inlägg den 4 september 2013

Av jimmy smith - 4 september 2013 12:38

Now we have contacted too many days. And it have been a long time already. And now it is already 7 o'clock now she have never sent me any messages. And I have been busy and trying to make myself forget about it. But still have some kinds disappionted feeling in my heart. In fact I even do not know how is she look like and almost forget everything already. But I feel disappointed. She is like one fishhook in my heart. I feel the pain and  maybe it is just because I am just too lonely. In the past I do not have any one to contact and then I would feel much better and spend more times on the works. But now in the night I am some kinds of waiting for her messages. EVery day it is suffering. I would like to be the one who do not know about the love that would make me feel much better for that.

But now she is already in my heart. I have to be the one who can really enjoy the life. But it is really hard for me. And every day it is just like this. I have to wake up myself in this kind sweet sleeping pills. I have to know what I come here for. I am always forgetting my dreams. I have to know the truth. I have to be away from her. Because she is not my type. We even do not have any kinds of hot topic for that. And this make me feel very disappointed now. I have to know about this. I have to make me know this clearly for this.Like the HBA long sleeve. No matter what is happening around here. We have to know the truth and keep be myself.

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