Alla inlägg den 3 december 2013

Av jimmy smith - 3 december 2013 10:43

It have been several months. I can spend the time in the afternoon without you any more. And then I have found more ways to get away from this kind lonely feelings. And after several years you have found you are on the right way. I misunderstand the love and the loneliness. And I have to say thank you to let me learn how to let it go. Then goodbye forever.

I do not know why I stuck with you. Maybe when I feel lonely nobody would go with me to the cinema. And the after several days you have said several words make me misunderstand. And then it is all about the time. The time is changing my views for the future .And then I would like to turn to the one play with the heart. Listening to the cowboy songs and enjoy the weather of the warm winter. The whole place is making me start to revolution. And then this is my life. I would go back to the hometown in next 6 months. I enjoy the feelings play the heart. And I would try this in my way. 

One day I would also be one of the guys who are playing with the love. And you would never know I feel sad for that because people never understand the feeling of the true love is the most pure thing. They are bringing the people to the evil side in their ways. It is not right but it can make you would not get hurt in the relationship.

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